List of Final Year Engineering Projects (List-3)
Here is another list of some innovative and useful final year engineering projects for final year engineering students. These projects are provided to engineering students for their project preparation. you can download any project which you like by just clicking on the link.
To see the previous list of final year engineering projects click here.
List no:1
List no:2
- 101. Construction of touch panel based portable digital clock
- 102. Vision based obstacle avoidance and target tracking for autonomous mobile robot
- 103. Zigbee based intelligent helmet for coal mines
- 104. Design lk development of a gsm based vehicle theft control system
- 105. Artificial vision systems for blind man
- 106. Remotely controllable outlet system for home power management trough PC
- 107. Pc controlled spy robot using wireless webcam
- 108. Microcontroller based automatic pre-paid electronic bus fare system
- 109. Electronic medical record for effective patient monitoring database
- 110. A prototype of an integrated blood pressure and electrocardiogram device for multi-parameter physiologic monitoring
- 111. A robot motion authoring using finger-robot interaction
- 112. Development of intelligent power wheelchair assisting for people on daily life using motion recognition
- 113. Remote home security system based on wsn and gsm technology
- 114. High heart beat alert to doctors using pom and gsm modem via short message
- 115. Remote notice board implementation using gsm communication
- 116. Application study of mine alarm system based on ZigBee technology
- 117. Icu patient monitoring system with automatic SMS system using gsm ZigBee wireless technology.
- 118. Mems-based automatic wheel chair movement for paralyzes patient’s old age people.
- 119. Obstacle detecting system for vehicle collision safeguard
- 120. Finger print based money management system for atm backend operations.bus
- 121. Intelligent touch panel based access control mechanism for ubiquitous applications
- 122. Cost effective wireless attendance and access control system
- 123. Finger print based atm lk locker system for the modern ban.
- 124. Smart wireless temperature data logger using Zigbee 802.15.4
- 125. DTMF mobile phone controlled dam water gates controlling system with high-level protection
- 126. Traffic signal light intelligent control system based on microcontroller
- 127. Intelligent fleet management system with concurrent GPS lk gsm real time positioning technology
- 128. Automated vehicles for physically and visually challenged
- 129. Autonomous street lighting system based on solar energy and led's
- 130. Monitoring of an aeroponic greenhouse with a sensor network,
- 131. Home automation using ZigBee
- 132. Automatic street light controller with rtc
- 133. Density based traffic light control system
- 134. DTMF based load automation
- 135. Embedded finalized list 2012
- 136. Fingerprint based bank locker system
- 137. Gps data logger
- 138. Gsm based advance home security system
- 139. Gsm based notice board with LCD display
- 140. Gsm based wireless electronic notice board
- 141.0bstacle detection and avoidance robot
- 142. Pc based wireless temp data logger
- 143. Pc controlled robotic arm control
- 144. Rf based load automation
- 145. Rf robot
- 146. Rfid based security system
- 147. Servo motor control system
- 148. Smart car parking system using microcontroller
- 149. Traffic light priority control system
- 150. Ultrasonic proximity detector abstract
- 151. Visitor counter
Previous list of projects
To see the previous list of final year engineering projects click here.
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