How to Interface Arduino with LabVIEW

Hi friends, here we will see how to interface arduino (or freeduino) with LabVIEW. In this post a step by step tutorial is given on LabVIEW Interface For Arduino (i.e. LIFA). Follow the steps in given order and configure your LabVIEW to make it comaptible with Arduino or Freeduino.

LabVIEW Interface For Arduino:

Step 1: Download LabVIEW Interface For Arduino (LIFA) 

Step 2: Don't install LIFA directly. If you install LIFA directly you will get an error like

"VIPM could not continue. Please fix the error and try again. VIPM could not connect to Labview 2013. VIPM requires LabVIEW access as a part of the current task execution in progress. please verify the VI SERVER : Exported VIs and Machine access settings in LabVIEW 2013...... "

Complete the following steps to enable VI server access

Step 3: Open LabVIEW go to Tools > Options > VI Server

LabVIEW Settings for Arduino 005


Configuring VI Servers in LabVIEW 006


Step 4: After clicking on VI Server scroll down to check Machine Access. Here you have to add machine access list manually. So make sure that you have added "", "localhost", "*" in the Machine access list as shown in above image. Then click on OK.

Step 5: Now open downloaded VI Package Manager.

Step 6: Search for LabVIEW Interface For Arduino and double click on it to install it.

LabVIEW Interface For Arduino LIFA

LabVIEW Interface for Arduino 002


Step 7: Click on continue and after installation complete click on finish.

LabVIEW Interface for Arduino 003

LabVIEW Interface for Arduino 004


Now you are ready to connect arduino with LabVIEW. In the next post we will see how to connect Arduino with LabVIEW practically and we will do a simple project using Arduino and LabVIEW.

For more details you may refer: Configuring VI Server 

See also:  How to save LabVIEW Program in Image format

I hope you have successfully installed LabVIEW Interface for Arduino and ready to do some stuff with Arduino. If you have any doubt feel free to ask. Share this article with your friends and like our facebook page for future updates.