Components required
- 8051 microcontroller (like AT89c51, 89C51RD2, etc.)
- ADC0804
- LM35 temperature sensor
- Resistors, Potentiometer, etc.
Circuit diagram
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="490"] Digital Thermometer using 8051 Microcontroller[/caption]
Working of Digital Thermometer
The output of digital thermometer is in Celsius scale. To display the output i.e. the temperature we have used a 16*2 LCD display. LM 35 is temperature sensor IC which is used to sense the temperature. Normally LM35 generates a 10mV change in output voltage per degree celsius change in temperature. This temperature is then converted into Celcius scale using analog to digital converter i.e. ADC0804.
LM 35 Temperature sensor:
Specifications of LM 35 temperature sensor IC are as follows
- The accuracy of LM35 is +-0.5 degree celsius.
- Its temperature range is from -55 to 150-degree celsius.
- Sensor gain = 10 (mV/Deg C)
- Output impedance = 0.4 Ohm
- Supply Voltage (Min) = 4V
- Supply voltage (Max) = 30V
Applications of Digital Thermometer
- Thermometers are used in a wide variety of scientific and engineering applications, especially measurement systems.
- Digital thermometers can be used in roadways in cold weather climates to check if icing condition exists or not.
Click here to download C program and Proteus simulation files.
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